In this episode, Denis Nassar and Marcelo Vilhena will travel to Yellowknife, in the subarctic, and interview the talented composer Carmen Braden. She will take them to a frozen lake and show how she records ice sounds and transforms them into music. Denis and Carmen will talk about her piece Candle Ice, which is based on the experience of ice melting.
Denis Nassar composed this piece on May 4th, 2020 based on what was happening in the world and especially to raise awareness of the flood in Fort McMurray. He wrote this piece in a couple of hours while meditating on Psalm 25. “I tried not to overthink this piano piece, I just decided to let it flow like a simple improvisation from my soul” says Denis Nassar.
Come with us as Prof. Allan Bell from the University of Calgary shares his thoughts on what Canadian music is and how composers and musicians from all different backgrounds can all be part of this wonderful musical scene.
The Canadian Juno award-winning composer Allan Bell talks about his trajectory as a composer and how he derives music from Prairie cultures and scenes. In addition, Denis Nassar asks Allan Bell to talk about his inspiring metaphor of a river that flows from the past into the future.
Join Vincent Ho as he talks about his adventure in the Arctic aboard the Amundsen vessel and how each part of that experience inspired his marvellous Arctic Symphony, which was nominated for a Juno award in 2019. In this episode, Vincent also explains his compositional process and gives valuable advice to young composers and musicians.
The composer Brian Garbet takes an emotional World War II photograph entitled “Wait for me, Daddy” and transforms it into a musical piece for wind ensemble. The photograph captures the British Columbia Regiment marching and five-year-old Warren “Whitey” Bernard, running out of his mother’s grasp to his father.
Minha Terra is a piece for orchestra and sound files based on the musical materials generated from the vernacular speech and the regional dances and rhythms from the Brazilian provinces of Rio Grande do Sul, Rio de Janeiro and Pernambuco. In this episode, Denis Nassar gives us a glimpse of the first movement and how the interaction between the spoken voice and the orchestra works.
This episode focuses on compositional elements present in the Minha Terra orchestral piece second movement, which is about Rio de Janeiro. As Denis Nassar already explained his use of speech melody in the first video in this episode he shows us the parts of the second movement that were inspired by traditional dances, percussion instruments and a song by Tom Jobim.
This is the third and last video about Minha Terra, an orchestral piece based on the speech melody of three Brazilian dialects as well as traditional dances and Brazilian soundscapes. This episode focuses on compositional elements present in the third movement, which is about cultural elements found in the state of Pernambuco.
In this exciting episode, the multi-award-winning composer Vincent Ho shares great advice and valuable lessons as he talks to Denis Nassar about his musical trajectory. Come listen to great music and discover how important it could be to take risks, face your fears and collaborate with others.
In this episode Carmen Braden will talk about her last album “Songs of the Invisible Summer Stars” and her trajectory as a composer. The main piece in the album contains five movements and it is based on her experience observing the subarctic sky in summer where for a moment there is no night at all and you can’t see the stars, only the sun and the lonely moon.
Find out how religious symbols, objects and architecture can become music as the Turkish Canadian composer Ilkim Tongur takes us on a musical journey to Istanbul. She talks about her PhD composition “The Sacred Voices of the Golden Horn” which is based on the several religious groups found in Istanbul’s historic peninsula.
Denis Nassar and Marcelo Vilhena talk about the concept and ideas behind the channel. They will also give a glimpse of who the guests are for the first season. There are many composers and musicians in Canada doing interesting music projects today and this channel intends to introduce their art to everyone who hasn’t heard about their work.
Come with Denis Nassar on this musical journey as he discovers the new music paths musicians are exploring today. Here you will see interviews with award-winning composers, come across brilliant compositional techniques and innovative musical ideas.